During the daytime I teach scientific writing to Biology students. But at night, I put on my cape and … draw. Here is a portfolio of some of the stuff that I have made extra time for.
Posters, t-shirts, bookmarks – anything that draws attention is a form of communication. The great thing is that there’s no limit to what you can do when you communicate visually. Here is a variety of examples from science outreach and beyond.
What is it about logos that’s so fascinating? I love drawing simple shapes that convey simple messages. Or wordmarks using just type. Or both. Here are some examples.
Typography to me is what sets us apart from the other great apes. Beautiful letters can be created and used for text, for display or for art. A book is only complete once it is set in an appropriate font. For over ten years, I have been interested in typography. Some of the results can be found here.